Hi, Friends!
This is Lizette. It's been an intense couple of years, and I am approaching graduation from a two-year program to earn my certification as an Equine Gestaltist. My business, Whispers From Peace, will be opening in 2023. I have a beautiful horse partner named Empy, and I am excited to start coaching toward clarity, self awareness, wholeness, and personal peace, with Empy. See more at touchedbyahorse.com, until my own website goes live in a few months.
Would you be interested in receiving an announcement email with more information on the Grand Opening of my Gestalt coaching business and what we will have to offer? I will also send out new offerings in a newsletter once or twice a year. You may opt out at any time.
Simply email your name and info to lizette369@gmail.com with subject line "Sign Me Up!".
I'll be announcing my Opening soon!
Thank you so much!
Lizette Lobpries
Whispers From Peace
Equine Gestalt Coaching